Thirteen years before this story begins, a monster named Kyuubi nine tailed fox to attack Konoha, a shinobi village located in the country of Fire. Confusion occurred in the village of Konoha and the casualties began to fall, before the leader of Konoha village, the 4th Hokage, defeat the monster by sacrificing herself to seal the nine tail fox into the body of a newborn child, Naruto Uzumaki.
The 4th Hokage then recognized as a hero who sacrificed his life for the village of Konoha, but not with Naruto, whose body was sacrificed as a sealing Kyuubi. Everyone in the village away from Naruto and saw him as the incarnation of the nine tailed fox. The third Hokage, who served back to replace the 4th Hokage, make regulations prohibiting the villagers tell the story of the attack and sealing the Kyuubi to anyone, including to their own children. But the image of the "monster" already embedded in Naruto, he still shunned and avoided.
As a result, Naruto grew up as a lonely orphan, without friends, family, or recognition from anyone. No one noticed, so often he seeks attention by doing things that are stupid or ignorant to do. However, Naruto's life changed after he passed from the Ninja Academy and use the forbidden jutsu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu to save his teacher, Iruka Umino, from the dead. These events changed the direction of his life and made him recognized as a ninja
- 001-002 or 01 or 02 : Homecoming
- 032 or 032 : Return of the Kazekage
- 031 or 031 : The Inheritor
- 029-030 or 029 or 030 : Kakashi enlightened!
- 028 or 028 : The Revived Beasts
- 027 or 027 : The Impossible Dream
- 026 or 026 : 10 Puppets vs 100 Puppets
- 025 or 025 : Three Minutes of Life and Death
- 024 or 024 : The Third Kazekage
- 022-023 or 022 or 023 : Secret Skills
- 021 or 021 : Sasoris Real Face
- 020 or 020 : Hiruko vs Two Kunoichi
- 019 or 019 : Traps Activate! Team Guys Enemies
- 018 or 018 : Break In! Button Hook Entry
- 017 or 017 : Gaara Dies!
- 016 or 016 : The Secret of Jinchuriki
- 015 or 015 or 015 : Hidden Sphere - It is Named...!
- 014 or 014 : Naruto's Growth
- 013 or 013 : A Destined Meeting
- 012 or 012 : The Retired Old Lady's Determination
- 011 or 011 : The Medical Ninja's Pupil
- 010 or 010 : Illusionary Dragon Nine Seal
- 008-009 or 08 or 09 : Team Kakashi deployed
- 006-007 or 006-007 or 06 or 07 : Quota Cleared and Dash Kankuro
- 005 or 05 : As the Kazekage...!
- 004 or 04 : Jinchuriki of the Sand
- 003 or 03 : The Results of Training